Unagi Hand Roll: A Delicious and Easy Japanese Treat


Unagi Hand Roll: A Delicious and Easy Japanese Treat

Unagi hand roll, also known as temaki, is a delightful Japanese dish featuring flavorful grilled eel and other ingredients rolled up in a cone of seaweed (nori). It's a perfect option for a quick and satisfying lunch, light dinner, or fun appetizer.

Here's what you'll need to create this delicious hand roll at home:


  • For the Filling:
    • 1 cup cooked sushi rice (seasoned with rice vinegar, sugar, and salt)
    • ½ - ¾ cup chopped cooked unagi (freshwater eel)
    • 1 tablespoon unagi sauce (optional)
    • Thinly sliced avocado (optional)
    • Sliced cucumber (optional)
    • Pickled ginger (gari) (optional)
    • Sesame seeds (optional)
  • For Wrapping:
    • 4-6 sheets roasted seaweed (nori), whole or cut in half
  • Additional Items:
    • Bowl of water
    • Sharp knife


  1. Prepare the Filling: Make sure your sushi rice is cooked, seasoned, and at room temperature. You can find prepared sushi rice in most grocery stores or prepare your own using short-grain rice and sushi vinegar. Cut or shred the cooked unagi (eel) into thin strips. If using, prepare your desired additional fillings like sliced avocado, cucumber, and pickled ginger.

  2. Assemble the Hand Roll: Place a sheet of nori on a clean work surface, shiny side down. Wet your fingers with a little water to prevent sticking. Take a small scoop (about 2-3 tablespoons) of the seasoned sushi rice and spread it evenly onto the lower third of the nori, leaving a border at the top and the bottom.

  3. Add Your Fillings: Arrange your chosen fillings on top of the rice layer. Start with the unagi (eel) as the main focus. You can add thin slices of avocado, cucumber, or pickled ginger for additional flavor and texture.

  4. Roll and Secure: Using your thumbs and index fingers, gently lift the bottom edge of the nori over the filling. Start rolling the nori and filling together snugly, using a pushing motion with your thumbs to form a tight cone shape. Moisten the top border of the nori with a little water to help seal the roll closed.

  5. Cut and Enjoy: Use a sharp knife to cut the hand roll in half. You can toast the seaweed (nori) briefly over a low flame for an extra crispy texture (optional). Sprinkle with sesame seeds for added flavor (optional). Serve immediately and enjoy your delicious homemade unagi hand roll!


  • You can adjust the amount of filling based on your preference and the size of your nori sheets.
  • If you don't have unagi sauce, you can use a little teriyaki sauce or soy sauce with a touch of sugar for a similar flavor.
  • Get creative with your fillings! You can add other ingredients like thinly sliced mango, masago (capelin roe), or even a fried shrimp tempura piece for a more elaborate hand roll.
  • Unagi hand rolls are best enjoyed fresh. However, leftover rolls can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a day. The seaweed (nori) may lose some of its crispness, but the flavors will still be delicious.

Unagi hand rolls are a fun and delicious way to experience the taste of Japanese cuisine. They're easy to assemble, customizable to your preferences, and perfect for a satisfying and flavorful meal. So give it a try and enjoy!

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